Renowned Thinkers to Discuss Global Transformation in Free Online Summit 20th April 2024

Renowned Thinkers to Discuss Global Transformation in Free Online Summit

On 20-21 April 2024 listeners are invited to join a free online Gaiarcadia Summit featuring some of the world’s most influential thought leaders. Organized by Gaiarcadia Academy, the event will feature a lineup of distinguished speakers including philosopher and systems scientist Prof. Ervin Laszlo, futurist Dr. Anneloes Smitsman, cosmologist Dr. Jude Currivan, and global governance expert Dr. Anne-Marie Voorhoeve.

Prof. Ervin Laszlo, known for his extensive contributions to philosophy and systems science, is the president of The Club of Budapest and The Laszlo Institute of New Paradigm Research. Dr. Anneloes Smitsman, co-founder of EARTHwise Ventures, and Dr. Jude Currivan, co-founder of WholeWorld-View, are esteemed futurists known for their groundbreaking work in envisioning a sustainable future. Dr. Anne-Marie Voorhoeve, founder of The Hague Center for Global Governance, Innovation and Emergence, brings her expertise in global governance to the conversation.

The summit will focus on the themes outlined in the acclaimed 2023 book The Great Upshift: Humanity’s Coming Advance Toward Peace and Harmony on the Planet, co-edited by Prof. Ervin Laszlo. With contributions from 35 leading thinkers, the book maps a path forward beyond today’s crisis-prone world to a higher stage of human evolution. Speakers will explore these themes through individual presentations and a panel discussion, providing insights and inspiration for global transformation.

The event is sponsored by Whole Life Times and attendees will have the opportunity to subscribe to the publication for free.

Listeners can register for the 2.5-hour free webinar at

For more information about the speakers and the event, visit and

Contact: Denis McCarthy Convenor  0404 020 242

Regen Agriculture: Retrofitting Permaculture free webinar with David Holmgren, Darren Doherty et al on 20th April 2024


Webinar Title: Regen Agriculture: Retrofitting Permaculture

In a world grappling with ecological challenges, the urgency to transition towards sustainable practices has never been more pressing. Gaiarcadia Academy is thrilled to announce the upcoming webinar, “Regen Agriculture: Retrofitting Permaculture,” taking place on 20th April, commencing 1:00PM AWST • 3:00PM AEST • 5:00AM UTC

This 2.5-hour webinar* brings together esteemed leaders in permaculture, regenerative agriculture, and sustainable living to address the current ecological metacrisis and explore pathways towards thriving eco-civilizations in the Gaianthropocene era. The event culminates with a 45-minute panel discussion, offering participants a platform to engage with experts and exchange ideas.

Featured Speakers:

  • David Holmgren: Co-creator of permaculture and author of “Retrosuburbia: The Downshifter’s Guide to a Resilient Future.”
  • Darren Doherty: Originator of the Regrarians Platform® process for regenerative agriculture and author of “The Regrarians Handbook Update.”
  • And more esteemed experts sharing their insights and experiences.

Attendees will delve into the principles of permaculture, regenerative agriculture, and regrarianism, discovering innovative approaches to address ecological and social challenges. They will also explore the critical need for eco-permaculture-regenerative solutions and the timely significance of retrofitting permaculture practices.

Details of the webinar, part of the free 2-day online Gaiarcadia Summit, can be found at

Registration is FREE! Secure your spot today at or Don’t miss this opportunity to gain valuable insights and be part of the movement towards a more sustainable future.

For media inquiries or further information, please contact:

Denis McCarthy, Summit Convenor, Editor, Whole Life Times
Email:; Mobile: +61 404 020242

About Gaiarcadia Academy: Gaiarcadia Academy is dedicated to promoting sustainable living practices and fostering a deeper connection with nature. Through educational initiatives and community events, we strive to empower individuals and communities to create positive change for our planet and future generations.


Sustainable Cities and Ecovillages – free webinar with David Holmgren, Dr Ross Jackson, Dr Marilyn Hamilton, et al on 20th April 2024

Larger image showing speakers (see shown below):


Webinar Title: Sustainable Cities and Ecovillages

As the world grapples with pressing ecological challenges, the need for sustainable human settlements has never been more urgent. Gaiarcadia Academy is excited to present the upcoming webinar, “Sustainable Cities and Ecovillages,” scheduled for Saturday, April 20th, 2024, part of the free 2-day online event called Gaiarcadia Summit.

Event Details:

This 2.5-hour webinar brings together world leaders in permaculture, eco-villages, sustainable living, and green cities to address the current ecological metacrisis and explore pathways towards sustainable human settlements. Through insightful discussions, case studies, and practical examples, attendees will gain valuable insights into adapting, thriving, and creating eco-civilizations for the emerging Gaianthropocene era. 

Featured Speakers:

  • David Holmgren: Co-creator of permaculture and author of “Retrosuburbia: The Downshifter’s Guide to a Resilient Future.”
  • Ross Jackson: Chairman of Gaia Trust and leader of the Global EcoVillages Network, and author of “The Economics of Collapse and The Birth of a Regenerative Society.” (February, 2024)
  • Tim Hollo: Convenor of Green Cities and Executive Director of the Green Institute.
  • and several other outstanding speakers from AU, EU, UK, US.

Join us for a captivating panel discussion, where speakers will share their ideas, case studies, and experiences living in sustainable cities and eco-villages.

Registration is FREE! Secure your spot today at or  Don’t miss this opportunity to gain valuable insights and be part of the movement towards a more sustainable future.

For media inquiries or further information, please contact:

Denis McCarthy, Summit Convenor


Mobile: +61 404 020242

Links to more info:

ISSP Leaders in Sustainability

My introduction to ISSP: Hello ISSP colleagues and friends. 

I publish Whole Life Times: journal of holistic health & sustainable living, which is a free subscription e-magazine – – which I began in 1982 after working closely with Dr Bill Mollison, co-originator of Permaculture for a few years, 1977-1983 – see . In 1980 I was awarded a Diploma in Permaculture Design and in 1981 the Permaculture Institute of Australia’s first Community Service Award, which I shared with Max Lindegger, a fellow Permaculture Designer. In 1982 I began Whole Life Times and published articles on permaculture and related topics. Few people realize or appreciate that Bill Mollison was one of the first authors to use the word “sustainable”, for example on the back cover of his 1978 book Permaculture One: A Perennial Agriculture for Human Settlements he defined permaculture as “A Revolutionary approach to agriculture, combining landscape design with perennial plants and animals, to make a safe and sustainable resource for city and country.”. 

In 2022 Whole Life Times went electronic and readable online and in 2023 we published articles sustainability-related based upon interviews with Prof. Martin Green (photovoltaics), Prof. Ali Saigh (renewables, founder of W.R.E.N.), and several others. These sustainability-related articles were so well received that I decided to launch a regular section called “Leaders in Sustainability” and I hope to include members of ISSP in future issues, with a little help from members in recommending ISSP individuals or organizations we could publish an article on that would also be well received and add value to our readers lives. To this end, I invite you to contact me at denis (at) . I also invite you to subscribe (free) at and read a few past issues and special editions at and respectively.

I am convening a free online event 20-21 April 2024 called Gaiarcadia Summit – link is with 45 world leading thinkers in sustainability, shifting paradigms to an eco-centric paradigm, etc, with five 2-hour sessions each day, one of which is called Sustainable Cities & EcoVillages and includes the co-orginator of permaculture David Holmgren and several out outstanding speakers. The program is at and the whole event will be recorded, so if you miss sessions like the one titled Sustainable Cities & EcoVilages you will be able to view it on Vimeo for a small annual fee. But as of today it is not too late to register. Go to the link or click on the image below.

Looking forward to being connected to you all through ISSP and hopefully also through Whole Life Times.

Best wishes, Denis 11.03.2024 new product 24’Q2 – see Collections Lists