FREE REGISTRATION is available to everyone on one condition, that you opt-in to be a Whole Life Times (WLT) free subscriber. So, when you register at you also opt-in as a Whole Life Times free subscriber. It’s a no brainer!
No existing WLT subscribers need to register for a free ticket because they will be sent the link to the Gaiarcadia Summit.
WLT has published the Gaiarcadia Summit flip-magazine displayed on the Program and Speakers pages, as a Special Edition of WLT.
WLT is a e-journal on Holistic Health & Sustainable Living published a few times a year. See wholelifetimes/org/current-issue/
WLT free subscription comes with added benefits such as Free Registration to Gaiarcadia Academy events like the Gaiarcadia Summit.
WLT’s range of Special Editions, which normally retail from $5-$20, are also free to WLT subscribers.
If you think Gaiarcadia Summit presents a sound opportunity for you to get your brand before a like minded, environmentally aware audience, &/or you want to support the event, to help it be more successful and reach out to a larger audience then please get in touch. We cna discuss which level of sponsorship will mots fit with your organization.