Renowned Thinkers to Discuss Global Transformation in Free Online Summit 20th April 2024

Renowned Thinkers to Discuss Global Transformation in Free Online Summit

On 20-21 April 2024 listeners are invited to join a free online Gaiarcadia Summit featuring some of the world’s most influential thought leaders. Organized by Gaiarcadia Academy, the event will feature a lineup of distinguished speakers including philosopher and systems scientist Prof. Ervin Laszlo, futurist Dr. Anneloes Smitsman, cosmologist Dr. Jude Currivan, and global governance expert Dr. Anne-Marie Voorhoeve.

Prof. Ervin Laszlo, known for his extensive contributions to philosophy and systems science, is the president of The Club of Budapest and The Laszlo Institute of New Paradigm Research. Dr. Anneloes Smitsman, co-founder of EARTHwise Ventures, and Dr. Jude Currivan, co-founder of WholeWorld-View, are esteemed futurists known for their groundbreaking work in envisioning a sustainable future. Dr. Anne-Marie Voorhoeve, founder of The Hague Center for Global Governance, Innovation and Emergence, brings her expertise in global governance to the conversation.

The summit will focus on the themes outlined in the acclaimed 2023 book The Great Upshift: Humanity’s Coming Advance Toward Peace and Harmony on the Planet, co-edited by Prof. Ervin Laszlo. With contributions from 35 leading thinkers, the book maps a path forward beyond today’s crisis-prone world to a higher stage of human evolution. Speakers will explore these themes through individual presentations and a panel discussion, providing insights and inspiration for global transformation.

The event is sponsored by Whole Life Times and attendees will have the opportunity to subscribe to the publication for free.

Listeners can register for the 2.5-hour free webinar at

For more information about the speakers and the event, visit and

Contact: Denis McCarthy Convenor  0404 020 242