Webinar Title: Regen Agriculture: Retrofitting Permaculture
In a world grappling with ecological challenges, the urgency to transition towards sustainable practices has never been more pressing. Gaiarcadia Academy is thrilled to announce the upcoming webinar, “Regen Agriculture: Retrofitting Permaculture,” taking place on 20th April, commencing 1:00PM AWST • 3:00PM AEST • 5:00AM UTC
This 2.5-hour webinar* brings together esteemed leaders in permaculture, regenerative agriculture, and sustainable living to address the current ecological metacrisis and explore pathways towards thriving eco-civilizations in the Gaianthropocene era. The event culminates with a 45-minute panel discussion, offering participants a platform to engage with experts and exchange ideas.
Featured Speakers:
- David Holmgren: Co-creator of permaculture and author of “Retrosuburbia: The Downshifter’s Guide to a Resilient Future.”
- Darren Doherty: Originator of the Regrarians Platform® process for regenerative agriculture and author of “The Regrarians Handbook Update.”
- And more esteemed experts sharing their insights and experiences.
Attendees will delve into the principles of permaculture, regenerative agriculture, and regrarianism, discovering innovative approaches to address ecological and social challenges. They will also explore the critical need for eco-permaculture-regenerative solutions and the timely significance of retrofitting permaculture practices.
Details of the webinar, part of the free 2-day online Gaiarcadia Summit, can be found at
Registration is FREE! Secure your spot today at or Don’t miss this opportunity to gain valuable insights and be part of the movement towards a more sustainable future.
For media inquiries or further information, please contact:
Denis McCarthy, Summit Convenor, Editor, Whole Life Times
Email:; Mobile: +61 404 020242
About Gaiarcadia Academy: Gaiarcadia Academy is dedicated to promoting sustainable living practices and fostering a deeper connection with nature. Through educational initiatives and community events, we strive to empower individuals and communities to create positive change for our planet and future generations.